Last year at this time, I brought you pictures of the scarecrow invasion in my little hometown.
The local downtown development asked folks to
make scarecrows
representative of
their businesses.
We had a pretty good sampling.
You can see more about them HERE...
Out they came,
from an artist at the local gallery
to Freddie Krueger the timber buyer...
from an artist at the local gallery
to Freddie Krueger the timber buyer...
A retired teacher turned shop owner came with a book,
and my niece the banker brought a pocketful of cash.
and my niece the banker brought a pocketful of cash.
The Scare Mayor welcomed folks to City Hall
random muppet shoppers lounged on benches.
Changes and improvements were made elsewhere, too.
The local market last year...
this year
There were a few additions as well.
Like this aging cowgirl.
Like this aging cowgirl.
I can't tell if Granny Oakley is in front of the thrift store
or just hanging on the street corner.
I hope she's not waiting for this dude. Is is just me, or
does he sort of look like a scarepimp?
Not to worry, though. This is the Bible Belt.
There's a church on every corner, too.
A gift store
A Pharmacy
A tire store
Now, I happen to know that this man doesn't really look one bit
like Mr. Potato Head.
this fresh faced young lawyer really does look like Archie.
And his partner the judge might possibly resemble the Devil...
...depending on where you're standing at the time.

And that's just about it for now. If you want to read more about it, well...
you'll have to subscribe to the hometown paper.
What about your hometown? Does it celebrate the season?
I'll be sharing this with The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.
or just hanging on the street corner.
I hope she's not waiting for this dude. Is is just me, or
does he sort of look like a scarepimp?
Not to worry, though. This is the Bible Belt.
There's a church on every corner, too.
A gift store
A Pharmacy
A tire store
Now, I happen to know that this man doesn't really look one bit
like Mr. Potato Head.
this fresh faced young lawyer really does look like Archie.
And his partner the judge might possibly resemble the Devil...
...depending on where you're standing at the time.
And that's just about it for now. If you want to read more about it, well...
you'll have to subscribe to the hometown paper.
What about your hometown? Does it celebrate the season?
I'll be sharing this with The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.
Thanks for this tour down main street with all the cool scarecrows. This idea is very creative.
LOVE it, Debbie! No, our area does nothing like this. We do have "the Christmas house" across the street, but nothing at this time of year. I LOVE your community spirit! No pun intended ..... LOL!
Thank you for the tour! I'll see -0- scarecrows in Manila, of course. Thanks for the taste of home.
I remember reading your post from last year and being amazed at the creative, fun town you live in. Ours has a few fall decorations but nothing like this!
By the way, I love your home fall decor in your previous post. Fall is also my favorite time of year and I have been wanting to bring more of the season into my home. I've done a little bit here and there but you've inspired me to do more. Have a blessed day!
Neat, This really is a town affair! I have enjoyed getting a tour of the town via meeting all the scarecrows. [o=
Blessings and ((HUGS))
I loved this post last year, and I think you've even topped yourself! This was a blast.
Where to start? I'll do what I did last year and comment on each one, is that OK? (Like you can stop me now...)
Mr. City Manager - he sorta looks like a cop. Is his stuffed shirt full of $$$?
Mr. Moats and his sons - too cute. If he's 90, his sons must be older than you and I. And I happen to do a lot of "slacking" at my age...just sayin'
Granny Oakley - this was the scariest scarecrow to me. Because, if I didn't dye my hair, this is EXACTLY what I would look like.
Scarepimp - yes, LOL.
Choir Girl - tell me she was NOT on the same street corner as scarepimp.
Gift store - wow, this one's impressive.
Tire store - how clever those mechanics are! So, why can't they fix my car cheaper??
The pharmacist - just a little scary. He's not giving ME any flu shot, that's for sure.
Barber - oh, Debbie - Stymie - this made me cackle.
Archie and his "partner" - yeah, I think Archie might have made a "deal" with Ol' Beelzebub.
You know, this is one of those times when I am really envious of southern small towns. Our giant suburb of over 100,000 people does NOTHING like this. Yes, there are decorations, but mostly just advertisements that the mall is open for trick-or-treating (in case you're afraid to take your kids to "strangers" who might just be, well, scarepimps).
Loved this one.
Oh, what fun! Sadly, our little town does nothing like this, but it's a fantastic idea. You've got some creative genes in your neck of the woods!
Wow! What a collection!
I absolutely love that tradition Debbie! That Granny Oakley cracked me up! I wish our city did something like that but I have a feeling if they did it would be with more emphasis on the "trick" rather than the "treat". Let's just say that there isn't church on every street corner here!
Oh, how fun, Debbie. I think the scariest is the pharmacist. hehehe Thank you for the laughter.
Although we live in South Florida, our area celebrates with plenty of pumpkin patches set up throughout local churches. I like the harvest craft fairs held here throughout the season too. Loved stopping by.
Oh how much fun...I am calling Benjamin in to see them. You have given me a great idea to do with him...we are going a scarecrow hunt next week.
What a fun are blessed and you have now shared that excitement with us...thanks so much.
Love these! Sam didn't even know they did this! I showed him all of them, but our FAVORITE is the young Archie doppelganger. I'm pretty sure that is EXACTLY what he looks like - or at least the hair. Thank you for sharing these again - I SO love this season!
That's just so much fun Debbie! I love the tire store's entry and if guys put that together, I give them two votes!!! There's a huge shopping village/tourist attraction about 45 minutes away called Peddler's Village and they have a scarecrow contest every year. It's been a while since I've taken a ride up there, might be fun:@)
I love scarecrows, Debbie, and used to make one every year....haven't done that in a long time. These are very creative and a lot of fun. xo
Hi Debbie,
I love these pictures :) This is such a great idea for Halloween and Fall in general!! I wish our town would do something like this. Fall is my favorite time of year. These business owners are VERY creative. Don't you love it when everyone gets into the spirit (no pun intended) of things? I liked the judge and the attorney, as well as the female scarecrow in the choir robe. Well done!! Thanks for sharing.
You know I just love these scarecrows. I was just talking to the Duchess and she was telling me there are still a few more to be put out. It certainly makes downtown look so festive. Your descriptions are hilarious, as usual. Got to love your commentary.
BTW I noticed the "pimp" is on the opposite corner from the church funny is that!
Debbie those scarcrows are a hoot. How fun would that be. I will have to show my hubby the pharmacy one LOL! (He is a pharmacist). Thanks for your sweet comments.
Oh, how I love the scarecrows!!! I do think that one guy looks like a scarepimp though. Funny! Maybe he's just a scare-rap-street performer with a pimp hat?
I haven't even been downtown to see if our town is decorated for fall. It probably isn't. They do quite a bit for Christmas, but I've never noticed any fall decor. I guess my town will have to live vicariously through yours.
haaahhhaa...I love these. I think I remember you posting about them last year...??
xoxo bj
I remember this from last year!! So much fun. We have some neighbors that go all out with the blow up yard stuff, and one has a fairly intricate grave yard set up, but I love your town's scarecrows!!
That was such a GREAT idea. Everyone making a scarecrow like that. Some really got into the spirit! Cute. sandie
I'm thinking that if all of these pictures came from that shiny red Kodak... that has to be my next camera! What a fun trip into October!
Oh what fun to live in a town that does that...Yep, that was a scare pimp! You never disappoint us!
We have nothing to compare to your scarecrows!! What a wonderful assortment of fall fun!! blessings ~
How adorable!! What a great sense of humor the town has!! So fun to live in a small town. I grew up in one, but no one ever did anything quite this cool!!
Some people are so cleaver. What a great community effort. Makes me want to get some straw and get busy.
Granny Oakley wins hands down - I love your commentary on each one as we traveled around town. Had me grinning as much as some of your townsfolk. :) Our local beach town has a street festival coming up this weekend and it is usually well attended.
Debbie -- unfortunately, our town does nothing. Love these and what fun it must be for the whold town. Love the tire scarecrow and the gift shop one. Also love your small town quote. Joni
I miss traditions like this now that we live in the city!
This is one of my favorite posts you've ever shared Debbie. It's so hometown USA, absolutely charming! Have a great weekend and share some more scarecrows if you can, please.
This is really fun. Our town doesn't do anything like this for fall but we do have mermaids all over town decorated differently that stay up all the time, someday I will have to take some pictures of those and post.
How delightfully entertaining it was to see all the scarefolks.. so fun! xo marlis
Fun,fun photo's I enjoyed!
Wow they do celebrate with Scarecrows! Neat
Our town does this too... love them all !
Thank you for your sweet comments.
I'll be passing by you next week, I'll wave and holler !
That definitely was a ScarePimp! LOL!!!
Debbie, I just think this is so much fun!
I don't do scary, but I love, love, love scarecrows. They are so cute. And your town is very clever. They did something like this in St. A. last year, but I don't think they were as cute as these!
Thank you for your congrats! It means so much to me, yes it is the second one the first was on the vintage framed paper dolls. It's really fun!
Love seeing pictures of my old stomping grounds!
What fun. You're town really gets into the theme of things! Ours goes nuts during rodeo season in late June/July so I think it must be tired at this time of year. Other than some lovely fall decor on the courthouse grounds we are pretty tame. :(
Blessings, Debbie
Thanks for the morning chuckle Debbie, those are just hysterical. I'm sure the ones with someones picture plastered on the head get the most attention.
We have three weeks of Harvest Festival in our town. This is the last week which involves a lot of children's activities.
Did you change some photos up - or am I hallucinating? (Maybe both)...
You're not hallucinating. I changed some things because it was so long. Plus, there are some new ones coming and some have been changed so I am either going to add to this or do a follow up.
What a wonderful tradition! Those are some amazing scarecrows.
A little bird told me that "someone wanted to know" the the history of the Canadian Thanksgiving. [o= It is updated now.
Blessings and ((HUGS))!
I think you must live in a very nice town with very imaginative people. This was fun to see.-------Shannon
Loved the tour, Debbie, and I am now more confused than ever, ( we haven't made ours yet) about what ours is suppose to look like, this is just like picking out wall paper to many to choose from. grinning!
You have such a fun life, how about adopting two old people!!
What a fun town you live in where most everyone participates!! I LOVE that!
What an enchanting way for your town to build community. I love it! Thank you for the tour. Cherry Kay
What a fun filled contest~ great imaginations & creativity! My favorite is the potato head tire stack one :)
Looks like a fun place to live, love the community spirit!Is the name of your town "CHEERS" perhaps?
Amazing creativity.
I remember last year's tour! Lots of fun! Have a wonderful and blessed week!
That looks like so much fun.I love home town celebrations. Thanks for sharing the fun.
This is too cute! I love all the creative scarecrows. Our community is by the bay so there are pelicans along the main road. They are decorated according to the business too. They are permanent though, made of concrete. It's always fun to see them, always a treat.
Thanks for sharing! By the way, your pictures are amazing!
Such wonderful scarecrows. What a wonderful celebration. Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.
- The Tablescaper
They are all so cute!! What a fun idea for a town to do!
My scarecrow collection didn't make it down from the attic, so another trip up there soon to retrieve them! Can't get through fall without my scary crows!! Love 'em!
I'm getting a little fall decorating done in the house now.
Your town is really awsome. We have a historic home area in our town that also has a fall decorating contest. I think I will pass this information on to the Chamber to see what we can do for next year.
Great post!!!
Cathy's Cupboard Calamity
Hi, How fun! We do have a 'Scarecrow Festival' about 30 min. away from our home that is a vun annual event. I love how each scarecrow represents the business man or woman. What a hoot! Thanks for the fun tour. It was definately intertaining. Visiting from Tablescaper. Now a new follower.
Your wish is my is up today!!! How in the world do you keep up with all these comments??????....Mrs Blog Queen...LOL
Well, isn't that cute? What a great idea, and what clever business owners. I enjoyed seeing these Debbie. laurie
May I come live with you in Georgia, Debbie? Do you have "coastal storm events" there, too???
It has finally stopped. You would know. After I wrote the post, it got the message. LOL!
Not like this...this was the most amazin' group of straw stuffed fellas I've ever seen. Thanks for the stroll down Main Street. Your pictures were wonderful and ya left me smilin'!!!
God bless ya and enjoy your beautiful week sweetie!!! :o)
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