I'm here.
I'm just trying to find Debbie. If anyone sees her, please alert the authorities. She was last spotted sitting beneath a pile of old magazines looking for style inspiration.
photo credit
I'm just trying to find Debbie. If anyone sees her, please alert the authorities. She was last spotted sitting beneath a pile of old magazines looking for style inspiration.
photo credit
Seriously, I really am trying to find Debbie. I'm trying to discover, or rediscover, my own decorating style. I used to think I knew it, but somewhere along the line I lost my groove. I flumped from trend to trend or didn't update at all. As a result, some rooms in this house, mainly the downstairs common areas, just don't say, "Debbie" at all.
What they say, I do not know.
I can't remember the catch phrase of the '90s.
I do remember the color of the 90s, though. It was hunter green.
Now, hunter green is a perfectly lovely color. It's just that it is not now, nor was it ever, my color. It just happened to be the favorite trendy color of a very pushy former friend. Perhaps you can relate.
Somehow, during my season with this woman, she managed to convince me
that I couldn't make a tasteful decision on my own...
that I needed her help and guidance to decorate my own home, and
that my house needed to look just like her house.
that my house needed to look just like her house.
But I've been thinking...
I'm always thinking...
In case you haven't heard yet, I'm turning 50 this year. Don't you think it's about time I grew up and got over it?
Yeah, I think so too.
And so... with no further meandering, I would like to invite you to join me as I make those rooms in my house say, "Debbie" again and rediscover my own personal style.
I'm starting with my dining room.
Want to guess what was the first thing to go?

(really lousy picture... the best I had)
Not the brass light fixture...
nor the valance and sheers...
nor the '80s casual oak furniture...
Oh, they are all going, but the first thing to go was the hunter green wall.
(really lousy picture... the best I had)
Not the brass light fixture...
nor the valance and sheers...
nor the '80s casual oak furniture...
Oh, they are all going, but the first thing to go was the hunter green wall.
We just matched the lower wall to the upper one. It's a color called worn path, and it actually is to my liking, Lucky for me, the store still had the formula for the color. Since the spaces are divided by molding, any difference in hue is not noticeable at all.
Yeah, I know I could paint the top too. Shhh.
The oak furniture has been moved out.
I like the look of my recent project against that wall,
but it doesn't belong to me.
It's just squatting there while I'm working on step #2. If you want a hint, take a look at The List.
Anyway, that's all I've got. In case you're wondering, I'm still working on walls, and I'm still working on dressing Mabel the desk. They don't call me A-D-Debbie for nothing, you know...
Joining Laura at Decor to Adore for her Fall in Love With Your House party.