We're baaack.
In case you didn't figure it out on your own, the aforementioned little blog break was actually a family vacation. We had no more gotten the college girl home when Jed loaded up the truck and and headed for the hills.
Capitol Hill, that is...
Remember all that furniture I yakked about the week before? It came right along with us, plus enough other stuff to fill one of these things.
Jethro drove the U-Haul.
Granny and Ellie May followed in Ebenezer.
We kept on trucking until we reached our destination,
a tiny apartment in the
Capitol Hill Historic District
of DC.
of DC.
She had moved in on the first day of the month, you see,
but we couldn't get there with her furnishings until little sister got home.
In the meantime, she had been roughing it on an inflatable mattress.
That caused Granny Clampett a great deal of consternation...
Not the Practical One, though.
"No big deal," said she.
"I have a roof over my head and food to eat.
If my biggest problem is waiting a few weeks for furniture,
If my biggest problem is waiting a few weeks for furniture,
then I don't have a problem."
I like her style.
She tends to focus on the things of lasting value.
Maybe that's why she chose to live
in a tiny basement apartment
in a tiny basement apartment
in an old, restored, row house.
But then again, maybe that has more to do with her budget.
Believe it or not, there is someone in Washington
who thinks you ought to live within one of those.
I'd encourage her to run for office, but I'd probably have to rein in my yakker...

But then again, maybe that has more to do with her budget.
Believe it or not, there is someone in Washington
who thinks you ought to live within one of those.
I'd encourage her to run for office, but I'd probably have to rein in my yakker...
I'll be back later with The Great Furnishing Adventure
and a tour beyond the garden gate.
As for today, I have a lot of catching up to do in Blog Land.
How exciting! Lovin' that beautiful old fireplace and mantle. Glad she's all settled and I'm sure you had a fun trip! Happy Memorial Day Weekend:@)
Just awesome, awesome...you have the best vacations, and what a joy to see your children taking flight! Congratulations to her...way to go!
Very pretty apartment. Love that fireplace. Have a fun weekend.
That apartment is sweet. I hope that she enjoys it very much. I can see that she has a lot of style from the simple touches she made with next to nothing to make it a home. Welcome back to Blogdom!
Ah, how refreshing to have a budget minded servant at the Capital! I pray she has much influence. :) Glad you're back. I'm trying to be back myself.
Blessings, Debbie
What a great apartment, love the mantle and the fireplace. I can't wait to see the after photos. DC is one of our favorite places to visit...we also have some heart ties there :)
Oh how exciting, first apartment and getting it all furnished. Can't wait to see. Hugs, Marty
What a fabulous first apartment!~ Good attitude too Debbie..of course she has had your fine example. Enjoy the weekend!
She has a cute apartment...my son stayed on an inflatable mattress for awhile too
Welcome back, we missed you! How nice to be able to take part in your DD's first solo apt! It has great potential! Love the fireplace and mantel! Can't wait to see the transformation!
I love those old brownstones, or as you said, row house. There is so much charm and history, and it looks as neat as a pin! Can't wait to see what you have done to it with her. How exciting for both of you.
I am SO glad you are back! :)
Oh Debbie, I'm so excited!!:o) I'm sooo glad you posted these pics! I adore old houses, and these row houses are the neatest. My first solo apartment was in the second oldest apartment complex in Winston-Salem. They were built in the 1940's, and they had big windows, the kind that you cranked to open out. They were so light and cheerful. They had hardwood floors throughout and good-sized rooms. I loved living there.
This will be such a grand adventure for your Practical One (and for you as well). I can't wait to see more pictures of her apartment. I love, love that fireplace!
I'm glad you got to travel to D.C. (such a long drive from GA) and it's so great to have you back!
I (((LOVE))) those row houses! They are GORGEOUS!!! Her fireplace is wonderful and the whole experience should be FUN to look back on!
Have a wonderful holiday weekend,
What a great first apartment! Your daughter sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders - no surprise considering her DNA. :)
BTW, I could hear the Beverly Hillbillies theme song in my head as I read your post. Made me chuckle...
I am love. love. lovin' the Practical Ones new abode!!! Can't wait to see more! blessings ~ tanna
ps I'm ready to vote for her anyday!
Debbie, what a great apartment and a great row of townhouses!!! I think we have a future leader getting in on the "ground" floor so to speak. I love that she thinks having to wait for furniture is so not a problem. Wish more folks thought that way (myself included!). Can't wait to see more and glad you are back!! xo
Oh, her little apartment looks so cute! Can't wait to see it all dolled up!
I commend her practicality, and I love the apartment from what I've seen thus far. VERY cute! Those D.C. apartments can be VERY expensive. I was there in 1976 and they were pricey then!!! A little tiny place with just one bedroom can run in the thousands. Yikes!!! Her practicality will pay off in the end. She really could give all the politicians on Capitol Hill a handy little lesson on budgeting and practicality! :-)
Whew! ... I did a little (mental) happy dance after spotting your blog. Debbie's back, yea :))))
Already, I'm in love with this DC neighborhood. Were he still alive, Dr. Freud would probably have a field day re. my penchant for tiny places/cozy nooks, so I can't wait to see more pictures!
Wishing you a wonderful day!
Wooot! She sure picked a beautiful neighborhood and I'm crazy for the kitchen floor and fireplace. Looking forward to more and welcome back.
Totally makes me laugh...My daughter got the couch the first few nights in her new digs. We put the bed belly up on the wall and tossed her clothes in a hall closet and called it good until the room mate (whose place she was taking) moved out.
I have to say that your practical one sure chose a sweet place to live. I love it!
Welcome home! I cannot wait to see the great decorating adventure because The Practical One's first apartment is fantastic -- I can already tell! Congratulations on raising a daughter with such a great head on her shoulders.
The house is very charming. It will be so beautiful with all the furniture in it. It already looks so homey alreeady without anything, love the fireplace!...Christine
What a wonderful neighborhood! So full of character and charm!! And I do love your daughter's attitude!!
So many these days have some serious entitlement issues!!
Glad it went well, and am looking forward to the rest of the story!!
Oh Debbie, what a charming place to live. I bet you had that place looking great before you left. Can't wait to see. I'm sure your family was the most attractive Clampett family ever to visit our Capitol. laurie
You went to see your daughter! How wonderful is that! I know you had the very best trip ever! Her apartment looks really pretty. I know she has to be excited to get her things. Can't wait to see the rest of the trip. Glad you are home. sandie
OMG she has an adorable apartment, my son is in Arlington and pays $1800 a month for a very small one bedroom. You are a good Mommy to run her furniture up there. Oh, did I tell you they want to move back to Orlando? We'll see...there is hope! Oh and yes I plan of a vintage style MOG dress for the wedding
Not only practical but has great taste! Will she let you show us the after pictures. Such a cute place without furniture. It's be fun to see it all dolled up.
I love both the apartment, and your daughters attitude! It looks like it can be just darling so I am anxious for the next tour! What an exciting time for her! Hope you have a good week-end! HUGS
Well, I love the outside of her apartment. It looks wonderful and that fireplace is gorgeous!!!! I can't wait to see it with furniture.
I know you are so proud of her.
Practical one's attitude is the best. And I love those houses. They look so old fashioned and neat. Reading this with the hillybilly pics cracked me up. And I've scrolled down and see that you used more of the hillbillies in the previous post. Too funny. Have an awesome weekend......
Practical one's attitude is the best. And I love those houses. They look so old fashioned and neat. Reading this with the hillybilly pics cracked me up. And I've scrolled down and see that you used more of the hillbillies in the previous post. Too funny. Have an awesome weekend......
What a wonderful first apartment! Sure beats the walk up I had!
That's not far from where my brother owned a rowhouse. Great neighborhood.
Now, I can't wait to see it all dolled up! I am sure it's magnificent!
Awwww, good for your daughter...her apt. is lovely and the fireplace is very pretty! If I had to do it over again, I'd want to spend some of my years in a downtown apartment just like that and walk to every place...
It would appear that the Practical One's mama raised her RIGHT! :)
Can't wait to see what all y'all accomplished while you were there. Glad you're back!
What a great adventure. It will forever be a great memory with lasting lessons that she will carry throughout life. How cute is that little apartment.
How exciting for your daughter having such a lovely first apartment. It looks like it will be a dream to decorate. Glad you didn't leave your good sense of humor in Washington although it might help if some politicians had found it. Hope you are having a great weekend!-- Shannon
Hi Debbie!
Welcome back!
What a great FIRST place for your daughter! Looks like she's in for an amazing time!
YAY ! you're back ! hope you had a good trip. The practical one does have a great attitude and I think I know where she got it .....
I do have to ask, is there REALLY someone in D.C. that thinks we should have a budget and STICK to it?
It's seemed to me that the idea was lost about 4 years ago... (())
What a gorgeous first apartment! I'd love to live there now! The fireplace is fabulous!
Can't wait to see it all furnished.
Happy weekend,
So exciting.
Lovely neighborhood for this new adventure in DC.
And here I was, picturing you taking a blog break all relaxed on white sand somewhere. HA! I should've known you'd be a busy bee during your little break.
Love the apartment and can't wait to see the big reveal!
Gorgeous row house and what architectural detail in that wonderful fireplace surround! Your daughter knows value and has her priorities in order. I had to chuckle at your Capitol Hillbillies, and yes, I sang the theme song from your previous post :))
Happy Memorial Day to you~ your Stones of Remembrance post is so moving and humbling.
I can't believe I'm so slow! I didn't catch on that you were going on vacation and I can't believe I'm admitting it either! I think was too busy singing along with the Clampetts in my head.
Your daughter's apartment looks like its going to be very classy. It certainly looks like a classy address from the exterior.
Also I hope your sister has a fabulous time here in England. The weather could not be better for her. I wonder if she'll make it this far up north and see our spectacular Lake District?
Her apartment looks wonderful - so much potential for *cozy*...
Can't wait to see the personal touches that the two of you add - and I'm so glad that you had the chance for a good ol' visit with The Practical One.
Why does everything look so quaint there?
(Loved the budget comments...)
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