Friday, July 2, 2010

The Great Kitchen Demolition... and a little craft too

Have I mentioned that The Duchess is getting a new kitchen?
Well, she is, and we're tickled pink about it.
This is actually a long anticipated and auspicious event in the family that has been 36 years in the making. Mom and Dad built their home in 1974. Over the years, they added, updated, and improved just about every other area of their house.

But her kitchen, the heart of the Duchy, has received only cosmetic changes. There are several reasons for that:

1. The kitchen was built smack dab in the middle of the 1970s. This means, of course, that it reflects that era, complete with built- in oven and counter top range. To update her kitchen is no minor task, people.

2. The Duchess is fond of the big “TA DA”. She had determined that when she did renovate her kitchen, it was going to be the Big Kahuna… cabinets, counters, appliances, and floors in one big moment.

And big moments take time…
And planning…
And cash…
Well, of course.

But when she walked into the kitchen that Sunday after church and sniffed the air… and didn’t smell her ham cooking, she knew that old oven had given up the ghost. And she also knew that the she could wait no longer.

And so she sketched.
And planned.
And designed.

And Finally, we began the process of tearing out the cabinets.  I say “we” because I played a vital role in the endeavor.

I narrated.

Actually, it was Newlywed Nephew who stepped up to the plate for the big demolition.

Here he is, studying the little mess that the women had made in our enthusiasm.

That’s his new mother-in-law looking over his shoulder.
The Duchess was slightly to her left.
 I took the picture.

Because every new husband dreams of flying solo
tearing out a kitchen... 
 filled with family heirlooms,
 spectating in-laws,
and an oddball with a shiny red Kodak.

Well, of course.

We He demolished the entire room.

We kept that coffee pot going until the last possible moment.
We do have our priorities you know...

We even found this little fellow wedged between two cabinet sections.

Then we helped by lugging cabinets to the lawn for garbage men
or clever bloggers
to collect 

I wanted to take some cabinets home myself, but they wouldn’t let me.
Let’s just call it an intervention and leave it at that.

I do have to confess to returning later and grabbing some cabinet doors and hardware. I had a project in mind that I wanted to try.

You will be very proud to know that I actually did bring that craft project to completion. It's nothing special, but it's the real subject of my fabulous Friday yakabout. 

I started with this 

I had to sand all that shiny white paint from her first kitchen makeover.

Then, I just repainted it with some nice heirloom white
 and decoupaged some scrapbook paper to the insert.

And reattached some of the original handles to the side.
I really love the old handles.

And TA DA, a  pretty little tea tray. 

 Total cost: $0.42 for the paper. Not too shabby.

Now, what I’m going to do with all of these,
 I am not sure...


Stay tuned.

And please stay tuned for more reveals of the Duchess's Great Kitchen Adventure... which is a whole lot more stunning than my little tea tray.
Here's a little sneak peek in process...

Sharing this here.
504 Main


Anonymous said...

Yeah for the new, MUCH needed kitchen!! Now, make me a tray for my newly redecorated guest room. (AKA the new Mrs. T's old bedroom). I will get the scrapbook paper (Do you think I'll have a problem finding some of that at my house?) and knobs and happily "use" one of the doors. Please?
PS I LOVE your tray!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I don't know... I think your tea tray is GREAT! You really did a super job!


Sheila :-)

Sandy said...

Debbie.. thanks so much for stopping by,, and for your comments. Yes, there is an ugly person on the lose here in the Tampa Bay area and everyone is looking for him.. they say he killed the two officers and maybe three more! I feel so bad about it and had to show my support somehow...
Let me go read about your kitchen..
Oh.. look into this "Blog Guidebook" you can add your blog..


Nikki (Sarah) said... got talent!!! looking good!

Gayle said...

Debbie, I loved this post, and you always make me laugh. What a crafty gal you are! LOVED the tea tray! And based on the glimpse of "The Duchess's" new kitchen, it's going to be gorgeous. Oh, and you REALLY should link to "Show and Tell Friday" at Cindy's "My Romantic Home" blog before Friday is over. Really. Do it.

Kelli said...

I wanna tray!!! It is lovely! Happy for the Duchess!! Can't wait to see it when complete!!

Renée said...

What a tale, and the tray is fabulous! You are so talented...grab the rest of the cupboards and make them for Christmas presents...(I'd love one) meaning anyone would! It is just adorable and I'm thrilled this is only chapter 1 of the Great Kitchen Demolition, cause I'm up for several more...happiest of 4ths.

Unknown said...

oh, you clever, clever girl you. I'm impressed that you overcame the intervention and went back for the doors. I'm REALLY impressed that you did the re-do with them and they are not sitting in your garage for the next twelve years.

CAL said...

Love the trays Debbie, love love to repurpose too!

The kitchen is lookin stylin - can't wait to see the reveal.

Donna said...

Hi Debbie,
I really loved reading about the kitchen redo! I would have a seriously hard time passing up those cabinets, too! I adore the tray that you made, what a great idea! I, too use Heirloom white ALOT, and I also love to decoupage. How about turning some of the other doors into chalkboards, with a little chalkboard paint? thanks so much for sopping by :)

Ann said...

LOVE the tray. I would look at the cabinet doors and repurpose them too. Into cabinet doors. Ok, so I don't see the possibilities that you do (and I like the idea of a chalkboard, too).

Now, on the other hand, give me some fabric ........

BECKY said...

I LOVE your tea tray and the little sneak peek, and your FUN sense of humor, AND I haven't forgotten about your little surprise! I will mail it next week!

Happy Fourth to you gal! So glad we're friends!

FrouFrouBritches said...

I can't wait to see the kitchen all finished! That whole $$ thing, kind of gets in the way around here too.

I'm in awe of your tea tray! So cute! I've been wanting to make one out of a frame. I never even thought of cabinet doors! You're so smart! It turned out really cute!

southerninspiration said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOohhhhhh, what fun...and the tea are a genius!! Looks like you've got some gifts to make! :D


A very blessed lady! said...

Lu, Lu, love the tea tray, and can't wait for the kitchen reveal!!! Loved the Cool Whip find....makes me feel normal. No telling what's lurking behind my cabinets. Thanks for keeping it real ;)

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I'm sure she's thrilled to finally get a new kitchen! Can't wait to see what it looks like.

Love the cute tray you made with the door!


The Polka Dot Closet said...

That was so fun, what a great post! Well, at least it was sugar free cool whip, so it wasn't like she was hiding anything. Your serving tray is great. Thanks for commenting on the American Creed, your the only one who has heard of it. I have got to follow your blog, I don't want to miss the big reveal


Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

I know what you are going to do with those other doors!
Make US ALL some trays!!
Talk about a clever blogger!
That's YOU!!!
I would like a tray just like yours, thank you.
(Or make a tray for the newly weds :)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hi, Debbie!

I'm sorry I'm making you work to follow. The reason I do that is because I follow everyone who follows me. If they have to hunt for it, they are serious! LOL! ;-)

First, you need to be signed into your Blogger account. Then above the blog header on every blogger blog, you will see a red box that has the letter B and a space over on the far left. Then after that space you will see the following words:

Follow Share Report Abuse Next Blog

You just click on the follow and that asks if you want to follow and whether you want to follow publicly or anonymously. Easy Peasy!

There's also another way to do it, but I think this is the easiest. Hope this helps!


Sheila :-)

Holly Lefevre said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! We are just finishing up our kitchen...they carter away the doors, but I have plans for the drawer! This is so will be tickled pink tomorrow.

Kitty Deschanel said...

Oooh, that is so cute! No old drawers here, but I bet a trip to ReStore can fix that :)

Christine said...

Not special? I love that tray! I want to find a cabinet door so I can make my own. I absolutely LOVE to re-purpose things, this idea really is terrific.

Junk Champions Junk Removal said...

Not ordinary? I adore that tray! I'm on the hunt for a cabinet door to craft my own. Repurposing items brings me immense joy; this idea is truly fantastic.Junk Champions Junk Removal.

Junk Champions Junk Removal said...

Unique, isn't it? I absolutely love that tray! Currently on the lookout for a cabinet door to create my own. Repurposing items fills me with joy; what a fantastic ideaJunk Champions Junk Removal.


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